Workbook Answers/Solutions of Treasure Trove Chapter 1 "The Heart Of The Tree" Icse class 9-10
"THE HEART OF THE TREE" Treasure Trove Workbook Solutions/Notes
(i) The
poet described a tree, earlier in the poem, as a 'friend of sun and
sky', since a tree benefits in making the air, and atmosphere, around
us, clean, and pure; and because a tree needs sunlight to survive.
(ii) The line 'What does a plant who plants a tree', has been repeated, since the poet wants to express the benefits of planting a tree, but in an question-answer form, so as to create the poem amusing.
(iii) The benefits of ensuring a cool shade for us in the summer, and tender rain in all seasons, which are necessary for our survival, are the social, and ecological benefits of planting a tree, the refers to.
(iv) The poet calls the tree as 'the harvest of coming age', since a tree gives us many social, and ecological benefits, which can be enjoyed by the future generations, in the time to come.
(v) 1. The tree planter, plants cool shade, and tender rain.
2. The tree planter, plants shelter for the birds.
(i) The person who plants a tree ensures, a cool shade in summer, shelter for birds, tender rain in all seasons, pure and clean air, a cool gentle breeze, peace, harmony, comfort, etc, are some benefits of tree planting referred to by the poet, earlier in the context.
(ii) A tree planter does civic good, since when he/she plants a tree, it benefits not only to him, but his neighbours around, as well. A tree planter also helps in contributing to the country's growth, and development, as mentioned by the poet.
(iii) According to the poet, a tree planter holds 'all the growth of our land', since a tree has many social, and ecological benefits. The poet also says that the person who plants a tree, also does civic good as well. The poet is talking about the earth's land.
(iv) I do not agree with the poet that a nation's growth depends upon the wealth of trees, since although a tree has many benefits, it still cannot help in improving the other factors, such as unemployment, poverty, corruption, etc., existing in a nation.
(v) The poem holds a lot of relevancy in our times, since many of the forest are now cut down to build cement buildings, flats, etc. In the metropolitan cities, there are few to none trees planted, which not only deteriorates the atmosphere, but also the beautiful sights of greenery are almost gone.
Workbook Answers/Solutions of Treasure Trove Chapter 10 "Nine Gold Medals" Icse class 9-10
(i) The event referred to here by the poet is the 'Special Olympics', meant for differently abled people. In this event, the people with some disability compete to win a medal of gold, silver or bronze, according the finish position.
(ii) The athletes participating in this event were differently abled, meaning that every contestant had some kind of disability in their bodies.
(iii) Their aim was to win the race, and win themselves a gold medal, for which they had practiced for years. No one wanted to lost the race, or come second, or third, etc.
(iv) They prepared themselves for this special event by practicing, and training for years. They all put up a lot of hard work to win this race.
(v) All the participants of the race won it, at the end, as described later in the poem, by finishing all together, holding hands.
(i) The sports event that was referred to, earlier in the context, was the 'Special Olympics', where all the athletes that were disabled in some way, participated.
(ii) The event was a special one, since the event was specifically designed for the disabled athletes, and not for a normal person who had no disabilities.
(iii) The spectators, that were sitting all around the field, were in a enthusiastic, and excited mood. They also cheered for all the young participants of that race.
(iv) The final event of the day of 'Special Olympics', which was the last race, consisting of a hundred metres, was about to begin.
(v) The last event turned out to be special, since this event displayed the ideals of empathy, and human values, when all the participants helped an athlete, who had tripped, and finished the race, all together.
(i) The 'Special Olympics' was a sports event, designed for those people, who are disabled in some manner, by giving them a chance to participate, and win rewards.
(ii) the kind of athletes that had a certain kind of disability in their bodies, came to take part in this 'Special Olympic' sports event.
(iii) The race, which consisted for the athletes to cover a distance of hundred metres, was the last event of that day.
(iv) The nine athletes, that had participated in this event, stood on the starting line. They all had a determined state of mind, as they waited for the pistol shot to fire, as a starting signal.
(v) The event of the falling of the weaker, and the youngest contestant, on the track, stopped the race after it had taken off, since all the other eight participants stopped as well, and returned to help him.
(i) The sports event for the people with different disabilities, was about to start, consisting a race of hundred metres.
(ii) It was started by the sound of the pistol shot, that was fired, as a start signal. Upon hearing it, all the participants began the race, but the weaker athlete stumbled and fell.
(iii) One of the athletes, which was weaker, and younger than all the other athletes, fell on the track, as his legs gave in.
(iv) As soon as the other participants in the race, saw that one of athletes has fallen on the track, they immediately stopped, and rushed to his help.
(v) They came to the help of the fallen athlete, by turning back, as a result of the emotions of empathy, and human values, which surged in their hearts, at that moment.
(i) 'He' is referred to the weak, and young athlete, who had fallen on the track, as his legs gave up on him.
(ii) The thought of the fact that all of his hard work, and practice, and training he had done for the race was now all a waste, made him cry in frustration, and anguish.
(iii) The strange thing that happened was the moment when all the other eight participants stopped in their tracks, and came back to the aid of the fallen athlete.
(iv) The eight contestants gave up their competitive spirit, as they all felt pity, empathy for the fallen athlete, which made them to come back to his aid.
(v) All the participants in the race, were awarded with gold medals as they all now finished together, hand-in-hand with each other.
(i) The falling of the youngest, and weaker athlete on his tracks, as his legs gave in, happened earlier in the context.
(ii) The event of the falling of one of the participants in his tracks, filled all their hearts with empathy, and true sportsmanship, which made them stop in their tracks.
(iii) Their surprise move was to stop in their tracks, turn around, come to the aid of the fallen athlete, and then finish the race all together, with the fallen athlete along with him, supporting him, and hand-in-hand with each other.
(iv) The human value of empathy, and true sportsmanship is displayed by their actions, as they all did not fear their loss, and they helped that fallen athlete, to get up on his feet, and complete the race.
(v) The rhyming words used in this passage are 'complete' and 'feet'. They are significant in a way, since this poem does not follow a set rhyme scheme, and stanza 6, and 7, are the only stanzas that follow a pattern of abcd.
(i) The last sports event of that day, of 'Special Olympic', which was a race of hundred metres for a disabled athletes, was in progress.
(ii) The event of the falling of a participant of that race, made the other athletes stop the race, as they went back to help him finish the race.
(iii) The fact that all the other eight participants discontinued their race, just to help a fellow contestant, who had fallen, all risking their win, was quite shocking to the spectators.
(iv) The race came to an end as all the athletes, finished it, all together, by each other's side, supporting the fallen athlete, and hand-in-hand with each other.
(v) The theme of the poem is about empathy, and human values. It is conveyed through a special event race, where all the other eight athletes stopped, and helped the athlete who had fallen, all risking their win.
Side Note: If you think this poem had a lot of questions that were the same, but just written differently, and had the same answer, then you are not Alone. Cause there are a lot of them, almost like they were outta of ideas on what question to make, so they wrote the same thing, over and over.
Workbook Answers/Solutions of Treasure Trove Chapter 5 "Television" Icse class 9-10
"TELEVISION" Treasure Trove Workbook Solutions/Notes
(i) 'We' are referred to the parents who are unaware of the bad effects of television, which is affecting their children's future, and killing their precious time.
(ii) The ignorant parents of the children who are addicted to television, are being referred to, by the poet, as he wants to inform them of the bad effects of watching television.
(iii) 'Idiotic thing' refers to the television set. It is being called 'idiotic' as all it does, is kill the children's precious time where they can study, and learn something, instead of watching television.
(iv) The poet tries to reason, and convince the parents, that the television set is useless, and that the parents should not even install the television in the first place.
(v) There is some relevance of this advice in our present-day world, as the television does waste our time, but then again, we can what is happening around the world via new channels, we can also gain knowledge from channels like Discovery, National Geographic, etc.
(i) The advice that was given by the poet to the parents earlier in the context was to stop their children from wasting their time in front of the tube, and not to install the television at all.
(ii) The poet describes the television as an 'idiotic thing', saying that it is a device with no benefits at all, and it only wastes our time, and money. He says that books are better than television.
(iii) The thing that the poet has observed in every house, is a television set, which he hates to see, and does not understand why parents even install it for.
(iv) According to the poet, the 'eyes' of the children pop out when they keep watching the television for too long, and with no stopping. In order words, he tries to say that their eyes are harmed.
(v) In the last lines of this context, the poet is using metaphor when he is comparing the children with a dozen eyeballs. He uses this figure of speech, to make the poem more amusing, and interesting.
(i) The children who continuously keep watching the television for long time without taking a break, are being addressed to, in the poem.
(ii) The poet's main concern are children, who are taking damage to their body as well as their future by watching the television without studying, or taking a break.
(iii) 'That shocking ghastly junk' are addressed to the programs which appear on the television, which the children love to spend their precious time on.
(iv) The parents let their children watch television uninterrupted, since then their children do not annoy or disturb them anymore, as their time is mostly spent in front of the television.
(v) According to the poet, watching television makes the children dull, as they are only wasting their time on the tube, instead of reading books, or play outside, which can provide actual benefit for them.
(i) The parents let their children watch television for so long, since their kids do not disturb, or make interactions with them anymore, because of the television, and so, in order to enjoy the freedom, they let them do so.
(ii) The poet says that watching excess of television makes children dull, and dumb, and also damages their thinking power, since the television only shows junk content which gives no knowledge at all.
(iii) According to the poet, television is making children unimaginative, because it contains no knowledge at all, and only shows content which contains no educational value, thus, making them unimaginative.
(iv) The activity, referred to later in the poem that sharpens the brain is by reading books. As the poet says, books are the only source for knowledge, and to get creative.
(v) No, I do not agree to this because in this period, there are many educational, business related, etc, types of shows that can often educate us about the things, that we might not know. There are also new channels that gives us the day to day general knowledge of what is happening around the world.
(i) The parents' response to the poet's advice to them about their children watching television is that, if they remove the television set, there will be no means for the children to entertain themselves with.
(ii) The poet reminds the parents of how they used to entertain themselves, back in the day, when they were children themselves, and tells them that they did so by reading books.
(iii) The exclamations, 'Great Scott' and 'Gadzooks' used by the poet in the extract, is used to express the shock, and annoyance of the poet on the parents who do not stop their children from watching television.
(iv) The poet uses all capital letters in this line, so as to emphasis the point that when the parents, and he were children, they spent their time by reading books.
(v) The poet recommends reading of books to the children, as he believes that books are the only source of knowledge, and for the minds of children to be more creative.
(i) The anxiety which the poet has show regarding watching of television by the children is that, they start to feel uncomfortable without the tube, since they are addicted to it.
(ii) The poet wants the children to read books, to make use of their time, and learn something, instead of watching television, which only wastes time, and kills imagination.
(iii) The poet says that the reading of books is better than watching television by informing us that when we read books, we learn something, and also get creative, which, watching the television cannot do.
(iv) The stories about Mr. Tod, and his dirty dog, the squirrel Nutkin, the small pig named Bland, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, were very amusing, and thus, captivated the young minds in the past.
(v) No, I do not agree with the poet, since although books are the source of entertainment, and knowledge. We can never know about the things happening all over the world without the news on TV. Books can not update us with every day to day events just in minutes.
(i) The poet recommends reading books to children, because he says that books can also entertain us, and increases our creativity. He says that, we can also learn something from books.
(ii) The stories about Mr. Tod, and his dirty dog, the squirrel Nutkin, the small pig named Bland, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle were very fascinating, and thus, interested the children in the past.
(iii) Since the 'Penelope' is a sweet smelling dish. The poet uses this term to describe the fun, and joy in reading story books, by giving this example from a famous story book.
(iv) He was a famous British writer, who was very popular, and loved by most of the children, for his amusing stories, like Mr. Tod, and his dirty dog; squirrel Nutkin, etc.
(v) The animal characters in the stories of Beatrix Potter, used by the poet here, to express the examples of good books, are Mr. Tod and his dirty dog, squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Blang, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle.
(i) 'We' are referred to the people which side with the poet, on thinking that the television is a useless thing, and that we should go back to the means of entertainment in the past, which were books.
(ii) The advice that is repeated here is to throw away the television, and make a bookshelf in its place, because he believes that TV is making children dull, and unimaginative, and he wants to stop this from happening.
(iii) The 'dirty looks' as said by the poet in the extract refers to the angry, and annoyed children, who will give cold stern stares to their parents, when they un-install the TV set.
(iv) The impression of the children mentioned here by the poet, are the type of children who are very rude, and do not listen to their parents, even when they are doing something for their own good.
(v) No, I would not react violently, but instead, try to reason to them, and not watch television excessively, and make a fixed time to watch the tube.
(i) The parents of the children, who watch television for no fixed time, are being addressed to here. They are being referred here, as they are responsible for their children to become dull, and dumb.
(ii) The action of the parents to remove the television, and force them to read books, would evoke protest by their youngsters, since they have become addicted to the tube, and can not live without it.
(iii) The parents should ignore the angry looks of their children, the kicks, and hits from sticks by their children, and even biting them while they remove the television set.
(iv) The poet uses the exclamation-'oh boy, oh boy', to express the suprise, and amusement, which the parents are going to feel when they see their children reading books.
(v) If the youngsters start reading books, they would be actively engaged with the stories. They would be thinking, and imagining the stories on their own, and thus, their brains would become sharper.
(i) According to the poet, in the absence of the television set, the children will want to spend their time. So, they will read, and when they do so, they will completely forget about watching television.
(ii) When the television set is removed, the children will try to entertain themselves by reading some good books, and when they will do that, they will totally forget about watching television.
(iii) Once the children begin to read the books, their mind become filled with joy at the wonderful, and fantastic stories, and they would imagine these stories themselves.
(iv) According to the poet, once the television set is removed, and they start reading books, they will eventually forget about the TV set, and start on to enjoy themselves, even while reading books.
(v) A. He thinks that TV makes the young, very lazy, and they do not want to do any activity, other than that.
B. He assumes that it blocks their minds, and imagination, making them dull, and dumb.
Workbook on Treasure Trove: A collection of ICSE Poems
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