Launcelot Gobbo is Shylock‘s servant. An inner struggle is going on in his mind between his conscience advising him to be a faithful servant and the devil tempting him to leave Shylock’s service and take up service with Bassanio. Launcelot's inner struggle shows the contemporary Christian practice of struggling with the temptation to yield to it or not.
(ii) Launcelot wants to run away from the Jew because his master, Shylock is the very devil in human form. According to Launcelot, Shylock is a miserly man under whose service he remains famished. Besides, he fears that he would become a Jew if he served Shylock any longer. Initially, his conscience tells him not to run away from Shylock’s household and to be careful. However, when the devil persuades him to flee, his conscience tells him that as he is the child of a good father or at least a good mother and so, he should stay where he is and not move.
(iii) In this scene Launcelot provides some comic relief in the play. In the context of the play such a relief was needed because the previous scene related to the bond story, depicted a serious mood where Antonio agrees to sign a treacherous bond that stipulates a pound of his flesh in case he forfeits the agreement.
(iv) Launcelot’s conscience advises him not to run away as such an act of fleeing is a matter of contempt. It adds that he is the child of a good father or at least a good mother and hence he should stay on with the
(v) Finally, Launcelot obeys the devil. The theme of racial discrimination is brought out in Launcelot’s decision to run away because he runs away from his master, Shylock, who was a Jew and takes up service with Bassanio, a Christian.
(vi) The theme of conflict between the good and the evil is shown in this scene. Launcelot’s conscience advises him to stay on with his master while the devil advises him to flee. He feels the devil’s advice as good and that of the conscience as rigid. I-le follows the good advice of the devil. 2
(i) Launcelot and Old Gobbo are in a street in Venice. True—begotten father’ means ’my father who begot me’. 01d Gobbo cannot recogmse his son as he is more than half-blind.
(ii) Old Gobbo is looking for the way to the Jew’shouse to go there to find out if. his son Launcelot, who was worklng as a servant in
shylock's household is still there.launcelot confuses gobbo by giving
him wrong directions to shylock's house.
gobbo says that by the was a difficult direction to follow.
gobbo has brought a dish of cooked doves to give to the jew.
launcelot tells his father to give shylock a rope to hang himself
with rather than any present because he has half starved him.
(v) when gobbo asks launcelot the way to shylock,s house, the wrong
directions which launcelot gives him provide real comedy in the
scene. the directions are too confusing for old gobbo to follow.
the second example is launcelots asking his fathers blessing. he
kheels before his father. being blind, his father touches launcelot
face and says that launcelot has more hair on his face thnh that dobbin
his cart house. 3.
launcelot uses high sounding words in his conversation with gobbo
to impress him that he possesses classicallearning and is a gentleman.
Shakespeare wants to convey to the audience the habit of Some Vain people of his time who pretended to be what they Were not. (ii) Launcelot calls Old Gobbo ’Ifatber’ in the first. line of the .extract
as he plans to reveal his identity gradually to him. In the given lines Launcelot tells Gobbo that according to his Fate or Destiny or the Three Sisters of the ancient Greeks and such other branches of learning the young man is dead.
old gobbo is stunned onhearing that his son is dead.he states that his son
was his only support in his old age. (iv)
when Gobbo asks Launcelot to tell him whether his son is really dead or not, Launcelot dramatically confesses that he is Gobbos son. But Gobbo does not believe him. Then Launcelot mentions the name of his mother, Margery, as a proof to show that he is really Gobbo’s son. (v)
Gobbo is fond of his son. When Launcelot tells him that his Son is dead, gobbo is shocked to hear it and laments that his son Was his only support in his old age. Further Gobbo does not believe Launcelots’ confession till he mentions the name of his mother. When Launcelot tells him that he is his son, Gobbo, being blind, feels Launcelot’s face to ascertain that he is actually his son. (vi)
One humorous situation is when Launcelot gives Gobbo directions to go to Shylock’s house. The directions are so confusing that Gobbo does not follow it. Another humorous situation is the scene of Launcelot asking his fathers’ blessing. He kneels in front of his fatherr His father feels his beard and says that Launcelot has more hair on his face than their cart-horse has on his tail. 4.
(i) when Gobbo remarked that Launcelot has more hair on his face that Dobbin, their shaft-horse has on his tail, Launcelot responded that dobbin, tall is growing less because when he last saw him.
he had more hair on tall than he had on his face. at this gobbo
remarked that launcelot has changed. gobbo has brought a dish of cooked
doves to be given to shylock.
(a) My master’s a very jew: My master is a typically jew i.e, he is a miserly man. (b) give him a haller: give him a rope to hang himself with, (iii)In the extract Launcelot tells his father that his under shylocks serviceshe has grown so thin for want of proper food tat his ribs and bones are standing out prominently and can be counted with the finger. This shows that Launcelot has been suffring in the Jew services. (iv)Launcelot means to say that anyone can count all his ribs by feeling them with a finger. But Launcelot reverses the order thus achieving a comic effect. (v)If Launcelot serves Bassunio, he will have the privilege of having new uniforms. According to Launcelot it he works any longer for the Jew, he may become ii Jew himself. He meant; that it is impossible for him to remain in Shylock’s service any further. (vi)The miserly nature of the Jews is shown in this scene, Laurcelot says that he is half famished under Shylock’s service and adds that he has grown so thin for want of food that his bones and ribs are standing out prominently and can be counted with a finger. 5(i)when Old Gobbo delays in asking Bassanio to accept his son, Launcelot in his service, Launcelot cuts him short and tells Bassanio that he wants to serve him. (ii)The palm-reading by Launcelot provides the audience a comic relief and foretells the good fortune that may happen in the life of Launcelot. (iii)After reading his palm, Launcelot foretells that he will have a long life. He will marry a large number of wives (eleven widows and nine maids in all). He will escape thrice from drowning and will have a hair—breadth escape once from falling out from a feather bed.(iv)After employing Launcelot, Bassanio tells the Gobbos to go to Shylock and bid him farewell and then reach his house. He tells his servants to get a uniform for Launcelot with more decorations or ornamental stripes than those of his other servants. (v)The old proverb that Launcelot mentions is : ’The grace of God is wealth enough'. He says that this proverb is equally applicable to Shylock and Bassanio. Bassanio is a good man and has the grace of God. Shylock does not have grace of God. But he has ’wealth enough . 6.(i)Bassanio speaks these words to gratiano when the latter makes a request to him to permit him to accompany him on his trip to Belmont.(ii)to tone down your lively spirits by exercising a little moderation.(iii)BaSSanio tells Gratiano that he is uncontrollable, blunt and roughThese faults of his are acceptable to Bassanio and his friendsqualities of his nature. But hlS Wild behaviour may be misunderstood at Belmont. Hence, Bassanio advices him to control his Wild behaviourand tone down his lively spirits by exercising modrration. (iv)Bassanio asks Gratiano to behave properly in Belmont because to fears that for people who don’t know Gratiano, his behaviour willapear as foulty. his wild behaviour will be misunderstand at belmontand Bassanio may lose all chances of marrying Portia.(v)Gratiano promises to behave in a proper manner, He Says that he will converse gravely and will seldom use an oth. he willcarry books in his pockets and look most sedate. During the gracebefore meals, he will veil his eyes with his hat and solemnlysay amen he will do everything that politeness demands and followall the customs of good manners, as though heis trying to p1easehis grandmother by showing a quiet and serious behaviour.(vi)Bassanio tells Gratiano that his rude behaviour will be tolrted for the night because of the party. This is because Bassanio wants that night to be one of fun and mirth. He will be sorry to see Gratiano in a sad mood. Bassanio would prefer to see him in his wildest spirits and be in his most amusing mood.